The Nusblat Marathon Report

24th August, Rockland Lake

By Michael Nusblat

It’s Wednesday the 24 of August and I am running the Sri Chinmoy Marathon. I ran this race in 2014 and had a good result. This race course is not difficult, but has a challenge in the warm weather.

I arrived in parking field 5 around 6AM at Rockland Lake.

There is a tent set up between the running path and parking lot where I got my bib and shirt then went back to the car to set up my supply needs in a cooler. I put the cooler near the inner running path on a picnic table for easily access while running the race.

I met Dan, Grace, Dave, and Julia at the start of the race.

Julia took a picture of the gang pre race. We walked to the starting area and listened to the announcement of the race history and race info. At 7AM the race took off for almost 9 laps of the inner loops. It was warm at the start, but manageable for August Marathon race. I was feeling good for the first few laps.

Grace past me in the first lap and she was ahead of me the whole time.

I ran a few laps with Dan Oh. He was running good in the beginning, but slowed down in the later miles as did I. After the first loop, Gokhan jumped in with me for running support. It was good to have a familiar runner help in the many loops. After 6 loops or about mile 18 I started to slow down significantly. I attribute it to the heat and going out to aggressively in the beginning miles.

Drinking at just about every mile helped me toward the finish. I also used the ice bags provided to stay a little cooler. I finished the marathon journey, but didn’t have the same bad feeling as in the past with this race. I guess my speed was much slower with old age, but I was glad to finish.

At the finish area, I grabbed some grub and drinks. The running gang took a couple of photos to commemorate the finish. Congratulations to the gang for finishing, and to Grace for her first place finish in her age
