Did you love this years Women’s Distance Festival shirt? Why not gear up for next year’s race by participating in our “Name The Shirt” contest!? Rockland Road Runners wants your help to find a phrase for next year’s Women’s Distance Festival race t-shirt! We are looking for a women’s running phrase that is just as good, if not better, than this year’s phrase: “I know I run like a Girl, try to keep up!”
The contest runs from Monday July 14 to Friday August 15, 2014. To enter, simply send an email with your phrase to wdf@rocklandroadrunners.org with subject line “name that shirt”!
We will announce the winning phrase for next year’s shirt on August 25th, and the person who submitted the winning phrase will receive a complimentary registration into next year’s race! The shirt design will be revealed some time in April or May!
Contact Race Directors:
Mike Seidenfrau & Carissa Coslit
Phone: 845-270-1025
Email: wdf@rocklandroadrunners.org

Diva Dash
I am woman See me run
This girl kicks asphalt
Lady road runner
Bold, beautiful and Badass
Stacey, your submissions are noted… if everyone else can please submit to WDF@rocklandroadrunners.org.
Mike and Carissa