Remember our friend, Devon Harris, one of the original members of the first Jamaican bobsled team? He needs our help!

The Jamaican bobsled team has just launched a fundraising campaign. Unfortunately, they have not yet secured a sponsor and are in the process of developing the next generation of Jamaican bobsledders to compete in the 2018 Olympic Games in Korea.

There are currently six athletes (2 men & 4 women) in Park City, UT participating in a bobsled driving school. There are 12 more athletes in Jamaica that can’t afford to be put on ice right now. As you can imagine, there is a long way before these guys will be ready for the 2018 Olympic Games but with our help we can get past these enormous challenges!

They have launched an online fundraising campaign which, as you can imagine, is key to helping develop this team.

Please click on the link below to donate:

Donate Now!

There are some nice perks that come with donations including personal thank you notes, t-shirts, posters, etc. It is small donations such as this that will create the momentum and help these Jamaican bobsleders achieve their goals!

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